.Vernissage einer Ausstellung von Kamila Netíková
Do 15.09.2011
21:30 Uhr
Vernissage einer Ausstellung von Kamila Netíková
Fotografische Waldgeschichte der jungen tschechischen bildenden Künstlerin, begleitet mit Texten von Jiří Beneš.
Entstehung der Bildgeschichte entrinnt der Netiková´s Faszination durch fotografische imaginative Waldabenteuer. Sie hat sich lange Zeit mit Holzskulpturen beschäftigt, in den letzten Jahren ist ihr das Fotografieren ans Herz gewachsen. Künstlerische Fotografie ist ihr Lebenswichtig geworden. Jedoch betrachtet sie sich nicht als Fotografin, sondern spricht über ihre Liebe zum Wald, sie möchte am liebsten im Wald leben. Die Wirkung ihres Vaters ist da bestimmt wichtig, er lebt besonders verbunden mit der Natur.
Kamila Netíková mag Hans Christian Andersens Märchengeschichten sehr. In Ihren „fotografischen imaginativen Abenteuergeschichten“ sind Einflüsse seiner Fantasiewelt sehr spürbar.
Poetische Texte von Jiří Beneš begleiten die Bilder der Ausstellung.
The forest story of Kamila Netikova with poetic accompaniment by Jiri Benes
"Tear back the curtain of branches and peer into a world, which was always there - only you never heard it call your name. We, the lords of forest, call your bare feet to tread on the woven moss of the story"
This visual story emerged from the artist's fascination with forests and the imaginative adventures she experience within it backgrounded by the eternal inspirations of Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm. The forest spoke and whispered a story about departure and return, as the artist's feet trace their way through image after image. The story is vividly illustrated by the poetic text of theyoung Brno poet Jiri Benes, who was inspired by Karel Hynek Macha's May and in building individual stanzas tries to maintain regularity in the rhyming couplet form.
Kamila Netíková (born. 26.12.1984. Brno), daughter of sculptor Jir Netík, began at a tender age to devote herself to art. Expression through painting and sculpture wasn't for her, so she decided to focus on creating her ideas through the medium of photography.
As a record of their private trips in forests aroung Brno, but also near Slavonice and in Beskydy a cycle of twelve photos named IN the FOREST WE TRUST gradually emerged, which captures a story based on the author's own imagination, supported by the poetic text of the young Brno poet Jiri Benes (11.10.1985). The range of Jiri's creation includes short verses, complete poems and song lyrics.
The texts, created at the behest of Kamila Netikova, are the author's most extensive work in this area.
The cycle tells the story of a boy, who in his desire for new things leaves his home, so that he can return to it with the help of a girl. The authors present a classic tale of discontent, unrest, longing, leaving, discovery, and return.
The cycle was first displayed in Slavonice in the private gallery of Jiri Netík (July 2010), and again in the autumn of that same year, when it was exhibited in the premises of the Bancopopolare in Brno (curator Sasa Nemeckova). The cycle is now on display in the Brett Theatre, where the story told through the media of text and photograph strikingly enhances the dramatic line of the theatre workshop.!